Health & Wellness for New Mums

Becoming a new mother whilst an amazing experience, can be somewhat daunting and certainly life changing. Suddenly you have a new little person to take care of and provide for each and every day, round the clock. This booklet has been written by me who has experienced what it is really like to become a new mum. It is designed for all new mothers out there and is written very honestly about lots of things that new mothers may experience both emotionally and physically after having a child. Some of these things are certainly not discussed in ante natal classes so I feel this booklet gives invaluable advice and tips for any new mother or mother to be out there.
This programme:
- discusses good nutrition for the new mother
- talks about breast feeding and bottle feeding
- gives you tips to help increase milk supply when breastfeeding
- discusses the common issue of leaking breasts
- talks about stretch marks and how to reduce them
- covers exercise post birth for both normal delivery and c section
- gives you information about Diastasis Recti
- provides you with some pelvic floor exercises
- discusses the topic of sleep for both baby and new mother
- covers relationships with your partners and how these may change
- gives you tips to stay close to your partner following birth
- covers returning to work after having a baby
- discusses stay at home mothers and how to cope
- talks about Post Natal Depression
- gives you ideas for nutritious snacks to eat whilst breastfeeding
- provides you with a list of essential vitamins and minerals for new mothers
This booklet also gives you some contact details of an excellent women’s physiotherapist who specialises in treating women post partum and a fantastic baby sleep consultant who can help with all sorts of sleep related issues.