AaronAaron Gilmore is well known for appearing on the television show “Dancing with the Stars”. He has his own dance company in Auckland called Phoenix Dance and is a busy father of two. In this interview he discusses health, wellness and life balance.

What part does exercise play in your day?
Exercise plays a massive role in my day as I have my own dance company so I am always exercising when I am teaching others. I love being active so the fact that I am always so active just comes naturally to me.

What importance do you place on exercise?
I place a huge importance on exercise as it’s an integral part of my day. I think exercise is vital for everyone to maintain good health and I teach lots of different ages in my studio, the youngest being 5 and the oldest being over 70 so exercise is important for everyone immaterial of their age. I see first hand the benefits of taking regular exercise. People seem to enjoy their life so much more and the health benefits are endless.

How does exercise make you feel?
Exercise makes me motivated to get on with my life and teaches me so much about life in terms of perseverance and getting on with mental challenges. It makes me feel like my life is in control and that I can cope with things that are thrown my way.

Has exercise helped you overcome any difficulties in your life?
Exercise has helped a lot with me overcoming difficulties in my life. It keeps me sane. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without exercise as I get lost in it and it keeps me going. It distracts me from what’s going on around me as I get totally immersed in it. I love it!

How do you maintain such a positive outlook in life?
I enjoy what I do for a living and this is something that I have realised is very important in life. I love dancing so teaching it and having my own business is perfect for me. It is certainly physically demanding though. Being a father has also helped me maintain a positive outlook because I have and want to be a good role model for my children. I also have a strong belief that I need to be a good person in life so have strong morals I guess. This helps me maintain a positive outlook.

What role does eating well play in your life?
Eating well plays a massive role in my life but it didn’t used to. A few years ago I made a conscious effort to clean up my diet. I realised that people need to look at looking after themselves as a lifestyle choice not a chore. If it’s a lifestyle choice then it’s a lot easier to look after yourself. I cut out wheat a few years ago and this improved my energy, focus and made my skin better. Before this I occasionally suffered with eczema but this improved when I cut out wheat. I just conducted personal tests on myself until I was happy with the ways things were so that I could improve and add to my life. I think when you start taking care of yourself you become a better person to others too.

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Aaron with his 2 children, Ethan (14yrs) and Grace (12yrs)

Do you think health and wellbeing issues can be treated holistically?
Yes I think you can treat health and wellbeing issues holistically and people need to be very careful when they go to their physician looking for that quick fix. I really think a lot of issues can be treated holistically, by spending time finding out about the person.

How do you motivate yourself?
Life is a choice. Every day I try to add to my rituals so that I make improvements to my life and my children’s lives. I have tried playing soothing music at the start of each day so we all start the day calmly as I think the day continues much as you start it. I love my job and being a father so that helps me to be motivated.

What does health and wellbeing mean to you?
Health and wellbeing plays a massive role in my life. I need to be in good health to dance, coach and run my business and also need to be in good health to look after my children and be a good father.

How do you deal with challenging/ stressful situations in your life?
If I find myself in a challenging or stressful situation I like to make notes. I like to write things down as this gets them off of my mind and on paper. I like to have calm time in each day. I also like to physically vent through running or boxing. I also like to have some pampering time as this reminds us that we are cared for.

What importance do you place on sleep and rest and relaxation?
I place a lot more importance on these areas now than I used to. I think I am just more aware of the need for these in your life. I like to have an uncluttered bedroom space and like to dim the lights in the evenings so make a calm space. I like to wake up slowly in the morning and give myself time to wind down in the evenings. If I could look back now at the younger me and give myself some advice, it would be make more time for rest and sleep. It’s very important. There’s even Scientific proof that lack of sleep can affect a person’s DNA. I think a lot of people out there don’t give themselves enough time for rest and relaxation. It’s vital for good health

If you want to improve any health or wellness goals or get a better balance in your life contact Gill here